Clear seeing

(n) – from the fusion of ‘clear’ (bright, unclouded, transparent) and ‘seeing’ (to perceive, understand, discern): The ability to penetrate beyond surface appearances, combining rigorous analysis with understanding to grasp the fundamental nature of things.

Clear seeing

(n) – from the fusion of ‘clear’ (bright, unclouded, transparent) and ‘seeing’ (to perceive, understand, discern): The ability to penetrate beyond surface appearances, combining rigorous analysis with understanding to grasp the fundamental nature of things.



The body holds secrets of power generation that modern training methods rarely touch. While most physical development focuses on muscular strength, there exists a more sophisticated system capable of producing speed and power simultaneously: the integrated network of tendons and neural pathways that, when properly awakened, transforms human physical capacity. This understanding is so rare that even among martial and wisdom traditions, it has been carefully preserved and transmitted only under specific conditions.


Wang recognized that standing meditation (Zhan Zhuang) formed the core technology for developing the body’s deeper capacities. By centering traditional training principles around this practice, he created an approach to human development that modern research now helps explain. Today’s science illuminates what these traditions understood: the human body contains an integrated network of tendons and neural pathways that can generate and express force with remarkable efficiency.

Trauma Science


This white paper presents a paradigm shift in trauma research and treatment, offering new hope for millions affected by post-traumatic stress. Recent studies have transformed our understanding of trauma, revealing that post-traumatic responses are dynamic, self-sustaining processes occurring in the present, rather than mere echoes of past events. This perspective allows us to understand trauma as a self-reinforcing physiological feedback loop, akin to panic and anxiety attacks, where fear of one’s own stress responses becomes the primary driver.


In the midst of his Vienna practice, Sigmund Freud made a discovery that would haunt the field of psychology for over a century. His patients, primarily women from respected families, were revealing stories of childhood sexual abuse that challenged the very foundations of Victorian society. His 1896 paper “The Aetiology of Hysteria” stood poised to revolutionize our understanding of human suffering. Yet in the face of social pressure, Freud retreated from these discoveries, recasting his patients’ memories as fantasies and developing instead his theory of the Oedipus complex. This retreat and failure of courage would set a pattern that continues to shape our approach to trauma healing today.


A child that is neurodivergent is a brilliant child. They are capable of developing a wide array of neural connections in the brain that typical children are not developing. If we support them with intelligence, discipline and a superhuman amount of patience, they will grow into extraordinary adults, capable of navigating many of the most complex challenges facing the world today.


In high-stress professions such as military special operations, law enforcement, firefighting, and emergency medical services, trauma is an unavoidable part of the job. Repeated exposure to violence, extreme stress, and life-threatening situations leads to chronic trauma, PTSD, and other physical and psychological conditions. Institutions and leaders are now tasked with solving the growing crisis of trauma within their organizations. However, many conventional trauma therapies—such as talk therapy, EMDR, and psychedelic microdosing—fail to address the full complexity of trauma, particularly as it manifests in the nervous system and body.

Myth & Story


There is a peculiar tendency in our reading of ancient texts to sand down their sharp edges, to transform tales of rebellion into parables of submission. Nowhere is this more evident than in our inherited reading of Job, perhaps the most radical text in the biblical canon. We have been taught to see it as a story of patience, of endurance, of faith maintained through suffering. But let us read it again, with fresh eyes, and see what emerges from the text itself.

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